Wednesday, November 06, 2013


So if you've followed me on this blog you already know I'm an up and down person.
Thursday was a real down day, eventhough it was Halloween, which is a fun day...

Monday was an up day. Although it was a rainy grey monday.

Updays when my weight goes down and down days when my weight goes up.

And even my kids notice it. Although I try not to be too moodsick when I'm around them.

But I'm glad they know me and also as my oldest says when I'm in a bad mood... Are you sure you should eat that choolate mum, you're already grumpy *Ha Ha*

Monday's weigh in:
51,7 kg/113.9 lbs

1 comment:

  1. Yay for up days. That's awesome. You've come so far in your weight loss. Things can only get better from here.
