Friday, March 22, 2019

Looking back...

I created this blog almost 6 years ago - not that I've been an eager blogger, and I haven't written that many posts.

But I really love that I can spill my guts here. All my frustration but also all my joy over my restrictions and "binges" and obsession with food.

Losing weight by restricting calories down to 200-600 a day is so frowned upon.
And I have days I'm so happy I haven’t eaten but you can't go around your colleagues and 'brag' about it - because they'll think you're insane. Which is partly true…
It’s like… if you’re not truly fat… you’re not allowed to diet.

And I know I’m not fat! like 200lbs and most people probably think I’m super skinny and not allowed to complain – but I’m a really thin person. And it shows when I’m not wearing clothes, that my thighs are to big, and that I’ve got too much weight around my waist.
And I see that every day in the mirror – and this blog is the only place where I can spill my frustration over this.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Motivation as hell!!!

OK, so I know it's just day three - but freaking HEY! I'm down almost 2kg already.
Yes, yes, it's only water - I know 😛 but actually I don't care.

I don't have to carry it around no more!!!

And yes, the though part hasn't started yet.
It's gonna be harder to loose weight in a few weeks - but right now I'm just smiling and enjoying the fact that I'm already  down almost 2kg.👍

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Day two

So I kickstarted my weightloss yesterday with only 533 calories in total.

Must admit I also used a couple of laxatives to jumpstart it some more - and the joy of stepping on the scale this morning and seeing my weight dropping from 59,9 to 59,2 👏👏👏

Talk about motivation to keep things going 😁

So far today I've managed to keep going with only a skinny latte for breakfast (can't live without that) and a cup of soup for lunch.
And that on a day where guys at worked made waffles and the yummy smell spread around the office - tempting me to cave.

But I didn't 🙌

Still have a couple of hours left at work and hope the Zero Calories RedBull will keep me going until I get home.

So happy!!! 😁😁😁😁
I'm all smiles today

Monday, March 18, 2019

Here we go...

I'm back and I'm fat - but I'm ready to kick some as and get back to my UGW!!!

I'm not sure what happend - but somewhere along the road I lost my self.
And all the hard work I put into loosing weight is gone.

I took a long look in the mirror this morning and decided - enough is enough. This can't go on anymore.

Skinny me was so happy four years ago.

No wonder - look at those amazing legs and that thigh gap.

Now I'm back to this :( 

But this ends now!!!

I'm going back to skinny!!!