Think I've been pretty good this week.
Burned of a lot of calories, not eating a lot of chocolate or other stuff and even been good with alcohol... Just one glass sparkling now and then.
But yesterday it all fell apart :(
First of I hadn't had much to eat all day, then some friends of us came over and we shared a bottle of sparkling. I had about three glasses and got so drunk and so sick to my stomach :(
Puked and puked and felt awful
And I had planned this great Easter dinner and wasn't capable of staying on my feet without puking :(
Good thing my husband saved the dinner while I was curled up on the bathroom floor.
Took me about five hours to get my head back in place and I spent the rest of the evening curled up on the sofa stuffing chocolate :(
Jeez would think I was a teenager that couldn't hold my liquor.
And double bad result....
Today I wake up feeling just awful. Have to face my kids, who of course saw me yesterday.
Not sure what I'll say to them....
They shouldn't have to see their mother like that!